Which counties are part of the Alabama Black Belt Heritage Area?
The Alabama Black Belth Heritage Area is a grassroots initiative designed to bring economic developements to 19 counties in the Black Belt region. Its missions is to partner with local communities, state agencies, and non-profit organizations to shape a sustainable future for the Black Belt region throught the preservation, interpreation, and marketing of unique cultural, historical, and natural assets, and to create a better quality of life for its residents through education and development of community capacity and pride.
To empower communities and organizations in efforts to revitalize and strengthen community identity and economic vitality.
To stimulate economic development through sustainable tourism that respects the sites and landscape and promotes the region's cultural, historical, and natural opportunities;
To educate local residents and visitors about the importance of the region to increase community pride and need to conserve the significant resources;
To preserve, enhance, and interpret the region's unique cultural, historical, and natural resources;
To provide an integrated vision that fosters stewardship among organizations in preserving and promoting the region;
The Alabama Black Belt Heritage Area is administered by The Center or the Study of Black Belt at the University of West Alabama. It is supported by a Board of Director and an advisory task force that represnts people and organizations across the 19 counties.